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By Dan Cook | 20 Oct 2021

skybook EFB 1.74.0 Release Notes


Updates to your skybook EFB software is now live, with new features and enhancements. Available for new and existing operators, if you would like to know more about the EFB app updates get in touch



There are a choice of new optional fields that can be made available in the Departure and Arrival modules of the EFB briefing section. Sector acceptance status can now also be transmitted via device sync.



Digital Flight Briefing - Departure Module

  • Nature of flight field enables pilots to select from a list of pre-configured codes denoting the nature of the flight.

efb nature of flight settings


  • The security check field allows a user to enter a time and date.

EFB security check


  • The thrust setting field enables users to select from a list of pre-configured thrust values for an operators aircraft.

efb thrust settings


On transmission of flight data, values entered for any of the above fields are shown within the Departure tab of the Flight Data Summary in the skybook Ground Portal. departure flight data summary



Digital Briefing - Arrival Module 

  • The previous Go-around checkbox has been changed to allow for entry of numeric values.

efb go around arrival settings


  • A Touch and Go field has been added. This field accepts entry of numeric values.

efb touch and go settings


On transmission of flight data, values entered for any of the above fields are shown within the Arrival tab of the Flight Data Summary in the skybook Ground Portal.

arrival flight data summary


Sector acceptance and device sync

  • Sector acceptance status can now be shared with other devices using device sync.

This release adds the ability to sync acceptance status with another device where required, ensuring that all crew member's devices are showing the correct acceptance status information. 

Crew members assigned to the sector can also receive a push notification when a crew member has accepted the sector.


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