Increase situational awareness of your fleet

skybook Ops Board provides a visual overview of flight schedules and upcoming delays, giving dispatchers real-time aircraft insights in one view.

The status of all scheduled flights can be reviewed within this Dispatch Ops Board software, which uses live updates from the pilots EFB.

Easily see the on-time performance of each aircraft against the operational flight plan.

Track status updates, review flight schedules and manage the impact of delays in Ops Board

Quick switch to Dispatch

Instantly switch between skybook Dispatch and Ops Board

Instantly manage scheduled flights

At the click of a button switch from Ops Board view to Flight Dispatch, to quickly review flight plans, weather & NOTAM.

Improving the management of all flight information and the ability to create sector briefings and message aircrews directly.



Easy delay recognition

Colour coding to aid recognition

The simplicity of dispatch Ops Board helps to ensure that emerging flight schedule delays can be identified at a glance and dealt with instantly.

Innovative colour coding across the flight dispatch board, allows operators to understand the length of each delay and if it is likely to impact on following sectors.

Colour coding to aid recognition

Notifications and status updates

Notifications and status updates

See the latest status updates as processes are completed by the flight crew during each flight phase.

Notifications are sent directly to the Ops Board from the EFB app as pilots download flight briefing packs, sector acceptance, sign off and requesting fuel.

Flight Ops Board highlights missing information that is key to a flight, for example if the OFP has not been uploaded.

Dispatchers receive the full information they need, allowing them to track pre-flight progress, ensuring all sections are completed for on-time departure.

Status updates are updated in real time and can be viewed using the Dispatch Monitor
Real-time alerts improve decision making

Real-time alerts improve decision making

Real-Time alerting improves decision making

Flight dispatch teams can identify emerging problems in an instant thanks to skybook active alert notifications.

The Ops Board not only identifies emerging flight schedule delays but also shows the length of the delay and the impact on the remaining sectors for that aircraft.

The real-time flight information on the Dispatch Ops Board helps to inform decision making that could reduce the impact of delays for all onward sectors.

Planned position Flight Tracking

Focus on your flight watch priorities by seeing only your specific aircraft and fleet with real-time weather layers & deviated position alerts.

Gain global awareness of your flights directly from ACARS and ADS-B position data.



Streamline your operations

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