
By Dan Cook | 28 Mar 2023

What is a notam management system?

NOTAM management system intuitively automates the collation, filtering and distribution of NOTAMs to pilots and the flight crew. Helping to improve safety, communication and reduces the chances of errors. This was traditionally a very time-consuming, manual task.

In this article we look in-depth at FAA NOTAMs, explaining the benefits of an automated NOTAM monitoring system and the different types of NOTAMs…

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What is a notam? 

A NOTAM is a notice issued by aviation authorities or airport operators to inform pilots and anyone in flight operations, of any potential hazards or changes to conditions that could affect the safety of a flight.

The function of a NOTAM is to provide all flight crew with full situational awareness of any factors that may impact the safety of their flight operations.

It is compulsory that pilots review all relevant NOTAMs before each flight sector, so they can make informed decisions with the most up-to-date information. A NOTAM system makes it easier for pilots to see the most critical, filtered NOTAMs.

filtered NOTAM data on electronic flight bag - efb

What does a NOTAM stand for?

A NOTAM used to solely stand for Notice to Airmen. To be more inclusive, it has recently been updated to Notice to Air Missions.


There is a wide range of NOTAMs that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issues to the pilots and air crew.

FAA NOTAMs examples include changes in airspace restrictions, temporary changes to airport infrastructure or equipment, runway closures, critical alerts about potential hazards such as wildlife near the airport, or even military activities. 

Different types of NOTAMs

There are different types of NOTAM monitoring classifications. How they are classified depends on the level of significance and amount of information provided. A NOTAM system can easily filter the different types based on relevance; here’s a few different types:

  1. Flight Data Center (FDC): These notices, provide information about changes in regulations, procedures, routes, or airspace that apply on a national level.

  2. NOTAM (D): These relate to navigation aids, such as changes in radio frequencies or airport lighting.

  3. Military NOTAM (M): These could be related to military training exercises, missile launches, or temporary flight restrictions.

  4. Pointer NOTAM (P): These are NOTAMs that highlight pilots to another crucial NOTAM  not to be missed.

  5. Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR): These are airspace notices where the FAA has imposed temporary restrictions on flights, usually related to security or safety.

Pilots can access FAA NOTAMs through various resources, such as online NOTAM search tools, via digital flight briefing on their EFB app or communication with air traffic controllers.

Dispatchers and flight operation officers can also manage NOTAM monitoring and see NOTAMs using their flight dispatch and planning software, and during their Flight Watch duty. 

notam monitoring

Benefits of a NOTAM system

A NOTAM system is software that is designed to help airlines and aviation businesses manage and automate the distribution of NOTAMs efficiently to pilots via their EFB. Automating this process, helps reduce errors and improve the speed and accuracy of communication.

A NOTAM management system sends email alerts and notifications to keep everyone informed of any changes or updates to the NOTAMs that are important to them.

The benefit of using our skybook NOTAM system is that it integrates with the electronic flight bag, giving pilots quick awareness of critical warnings.

Other modules such as airfield monitoring, graphically visualise the NOTAMS which can massively aid OCC managers. Whilst flight tracking incorporates NOTAM information for dispatchers whilst doing their flight watch duties.

Overall, a NOTAM system can help aviation businesses maintain a high level of safety and compliance by ensuring vital information is communicated quickly and accurately to all flight crew.

notam filtering software

NOTAM filtering

The skybook NOTAM filter allows operators to refine NOTAM data that they receive to be focused on their most critical notices, as well as managing NOTAM type exclusions that may not be as relevant.

NOTAM filters can be filtered by: Timeframe, Location, category, priority and soon to be by keywords.

This can hugely benefit pilots by reducing their flight briefing packs, quickly filtering high priority NOTAMs related to safety or security, that would traditionally involve sifting through a large volume of irrelevant notices.

 NOTAM email alerts and notifications

NOTAM alerts

NOTAM alerts are notifications sent via email, messaging or within a dispatch management portal that are intelligently reviewed and automatically sent to the relevant flight crew when there are significant NOTAM updates. This helps to ensure that they are aware of any changes that may impact their flight plans or affect flight safety.

NOTAM alerts help flight crew to make informed decisions about their planned flight, so they can either adjust their routes, schedules, or operations for a safe and efficient flight operation.

Added value of our NOTAM system

By choosing an automated NOTAM monitoring system like the one within skybook, we ensure safety awareness at the highest level with all relevant and critical NOTAMs, and guarantee a software uptime of 99.95%. 

Get in touch today and see why skybook is used by over 100 airlines, and why not check out our Airfield monitoring solution which utilises NOTAM data.


By Dan Cook | 28 Mar 2023

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About the Author

Dan Cook

Head of Marketing

Bytron Aviation Systems

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