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By Dan Cook | 27 Jul 2022

skybook Ground Portal 1.31.0 Release Notes

The 2nd August 2022 Updates to skybook ground portal, with brand new features and enhancements. Available for new and existing operators, if you would like to know more about the updates, or our dispatch and EFB aviation software get in touch.


The Reporting & Analytics module now includes delay code data allowing more functionality for airline flight analytics. Flight tracking has had enhancements to the interface and user experience. It now includes new features and map layers such as jet streams and graticule. There have also been some integrations and UX/UI updates.


Reporting & Analytics updates

OTP Delay Codes

This update enhances the On time performance area in Reporting & Analytics. 

Pinpoint what delay codes are causing airlines the biggest issues. Enabling them to consider what needs changing, to improve on time performance and save costs.

Flight delays filtering

delay code analytics data

These delay code filters are available:

      • Most frequent delays
      • Longest delays
      • Most delayed airports
      • Most delayed routes 

Once the OTP KPI tile has been created for the required time delay measure, users can view the data further.


Delay code filters

delay codes reporting OTP KPI


On time performance delay code route data

Specific Route data is shown with total sectors flown across a chosen time period, comparing on-time vs delayed, OTP and target OTP.

Delay codes can be selected showing indepth detail of each delay and delay total on a specific route.

on time perfomance delay code route data


Flight Tracking updates

Further enhancements to Flight Tracking incorporates sector specific layers and additional environmental layers.

Sector specific layers are displayed when an aircraft is selected and are displayed at any one time. These layers include:

      • Route Buffer
      • Range Rings/Range Cloud/ETOPS circles
      • All sector related airfields

Flight level is now visualised by colour and UX enhancements have been made to the flight level and wx period controls.


Flight level and weather period enhancements

flight tracking upper wind and temperature


Non-sector specific layers are available and displayed on the map at the current date/time, unless changed by the user. 

These layers include:

      • Graticule
      • FIR Boundaries

Airlines airports of interest configured in the Airports module.

  graticule and FIR boundaries


New environment layers

The Clear Air Turbulence and Icing layers display in a different colour dependant upon weather severity. All features are labeled and display SIGWX chart details. These labels can be switched on and off.

The following features are also added to the map:

      • Jet Streams
      • Oceanic tracks displayed based on current time.

jet streams and oceanic track layers


Software Integration updates

WSI weather chart integration

skybook previously used Jeppesen’s static charts, however, this service is being sunset and has been replaced by a new API provided by Boeing services. This will include WSI weather data.

To ensure that WSI is a direct replacement and does not effect operation of skybook, the following data has been tested to ensure full integration:

      • Surface Weather (SFCWX)
      • Storm Feature (HURCN)
      • Lightning Strikes (LIGHT)
      • SIGMET (SIGMT)
      • Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC)

In addition, the drag and drop feature within skybook Settings/Chart Defaults has been removed. Users will be able to use the Default Chart Table to:

        • Add new rows representing chart types
        • Edit existing rows
        • Delete rows

The Route Plotter has been enhanced to provide Icing and Turbulance data. This allows users to configure charts for a specific level range and can be a combination of:

          • Turbulence
          • Icing
          • Turbulence and Icing


Attachment file naming convention

This update sees sector attachments transmitted via SFTP, MQ or the API to be automatically attached to sectors when the aircraft registration is not included in the filename. 

Previously, sector attachments were required to include the following naming convention elements:


Users have requested that the aircraft registration element (FLIGNNO) is no longer necessary. Therefore, this update ensures sector attachments uploaded via MQ, SFTP or via the API automatically attach to sectors, regardless of whether the aircraft registration is included or not. All other elements within the naming convention remain.


Transfer flight packages to IFS EFB

This update ensures users can integrate the IFS webservice with ARINC 633 packages when using the Electronic Flight Folder (eFF).

A customer has requested that their ARINC 633 packages are compatible with the IFS webservice when using the eFF. This update ensures integration between platforms.


UX/UI updates

Flight / Airfield Info panel

The size of the weather ball and text on the Flight Information and Airfield Information Panel has been reduced.

Flight Tracking

The Filter menu field has a space added in between two words and ‘ICAO’ is now capitalised.

The Layers menu field styling has been changed to skybook standard design.

The Flight Level Slider and both Filter and Layer menu field icons now slide out and remain visible when the Filter and Layer menu fields are selected.

The WX Period and Flight Level Slider margins have increased as they were considered too close to the screen edge. 

The WX Period and Flight Level Slider styling has changed. This change does not effect the method of operation.

The Flight Level Slider height has been reduced and now fits inside the map area.

EFB App v2

If no voyages or sectors are available, the text: ‘Please choose sectors’ and ‘Please choose a voyage’ is no longer visible This will only be displayed if there are voyages / sectors to choose from. Additionally, the font size for this text had changed.


For the most up-to-date updates visit skybook release notes page. Check out our latest news for company insights and updates.


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