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By Dan Cook | 13 Apr 2022

Inside Bytron: An Interview with Dan Cook

Dan has been a part of the Bytron team for over 7 months now and is the Digital Marketing Executive for promoting our skybook aviation cloud across all platforms. 

We have spoken to Dan to gain a better insight into both his role in the company and who he is as a person.


What is your job role?

I am responsible for growing our brand recognition and reach across digital platforms whilst remaining consistent and true to our values. This involves increasing website traffic and engagement through SEO, social media, email, website updates and any other creative digital marketing strategies.


What is your favourite thing about your role?

I enjoy the variety of projects I work on and finding improvements to our digital marketing based on ongoing analysis and strategy, and promoting the latest updates to our skybook aviation software.


How have you progressed within your career?

I started out as a graphic designer in my previous employment over 11 years ago, where I developed into other creative areas such as animation, illustration and website design. I then developed a strong interest in digital marketing after creating my own illustrations greeting card website called plant based cards. I now use all of my previous skills to aid along the way, whilst looking to develop new skills in the forever changing digital landscape!


What advice would you give to someone starting out in your area of the business?

I’d encourage them to be proactive and eager to learn new things, and reach out of your comfort zone. Always find time to research and adopt a creative thinking mindset. My role can be both analytical and creative which keeps things interesting!


What have you recently accomplished personally that you’re proud of?

My illustrations were on an advent calendar in Holland & Barrett, which was really cool to see in store! I'm also looking forward to doing the UK national three peaks challenge soon, which I'm currently training and getting the miles in! 


What would you want to be famous for?

I would want to improve the living conditions and lives of intensely farmed animals of all kinds, and I would totally ban animal testing.



To learn more about the Bytron Aviation Systems and available career opportunities within our team visit our careers page!


By Dan Cook | 13 Apr 2022

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About the Author

Dan Cook

Head of Marketing

Bytron Aviation Systems

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