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By Dan Cook | 14 Dec 2022

Airline fuel analytics for accurate reporting



Reporting & Analytics provides commercial airlines with flight data analysis that is automatically collected from the electronic flight bag journey log data.

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The latest addition ‘Fuel Dashboard’ provides operators with an extensive overview of flight data such as total planned fuel and actual fuel usage; shown in either kg or lbs.

flight fuel analysis dashboard

Providing airlines with a stronger awareness of their fuel consumption, comparing aircraft performance and helping inform future fuel saving opportunities.

The fuel dashboard is part of our skybook ground portal. Bringing huge efficiencies to dispatch and flight ops teams, whilst more importantly improving safety for airlines.

Operators no matter what size or type of aircraft, can use the aviation fuel dashboard to gain a greater awareness of a range of fuel analytics, such as:

airline planned vs actual fuel usage data

Planned vs Actual Fuel Consumption

Analyse fuel usage for your whole flight operations over a 30 day, 60 day and 90 day periods; as well as comparing to the same period the previous year.

Comparing this data helps in decision making, providing the opportunity to revise cost estimates and refine future fuel usage.

 highest fuel burning aircraft

Highest Burning Routes, aircraft & fleet

The highest burning routes, aircraft and fleet provides a useful overview of up to 90 days. Helping to find trends such as certain aircraft or types of aircraft that may be excessively consuming fuel.

There might be obvious routes that are burning too much fuel, which could be down to flights continuously deviating from their planned position, or having to navigate to alternate airports because of high risk NOTAM and weather alerts.

flight route fuel data

Route fuel data further analysis

Route fuel usage data can be further analysed to compare Planned vs Actual fuel by:

  • Fuel Burn – Routes with the largest difference between planned fuel burn and actual fuel burn. Providing better awareness of your worst performing routes in terms of fuel burn and cost.
  • Block fuel – Routes with the largest difference between planned fuel (from the OFP) and actual block fuel on departure. Helping to highlighting any obvious issues that may be happening during the block fuel process.
  • Arrival Fuel – Routes with the largest difference between planned arrival fuel (from the OFP) and actual arrival fuel. This could highlight issues within the flight plan, helping to optimize them in the future, or with an aircraft’s efficiency.

The route fuel data can be analysed even further, with data such as total flight time and compared to the previous year’s fuel burn.

Here's a seperate article about how electronic flight bags contribute to fuel efficiency.


Reporting on & sharing the fuel dashboard

Anyone that has access to the skybook ground portal can be set as a user to be able to view all of their airline fuel analytics. The fuel dashboard data can also easily be downloaded to a CSV file for sharing with other stakeholders. 

Rest assured, all of your historic flight data which includes fuel and other analytics such as OTP & delay analysis; is safely stored within the skybook record vault. Here’s an article about some of the benefits of using flight data analytics.

Analysing accurate fuel data from the EFB will make a difference to airlines that are trying to improve fuel performance, improve emission targets and save money.

Find out more about Fuel Dashboard part of skybook Reporting & Analytics.


By Dan Cook | 14 Dec 2022

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About the Author

Dan Cook

Head of Marketing

Bytron Aviation Systems

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